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Stamped Concrete vs Pavers

When it comes time to redo your outdoor space or patio, you may be weighing many different options, wondering what the best options are for you. 

If you are looking to replace old pavers with something new, should you go with pavers again, or should you explore better options? 

Or, do you have traditional concrete and want something that looks more unique?

One option you have is stamped concrete. Stamped concrete is a durable and cost-effective option for those who want a luxurious outdoor aesthetic without spending a ridiculous amount of money. 

But what are the advantages and disadvantages of stamped concrete in comparison to regular pavers? How do the two compare?

This blog post will compare and contrast stamped concrete and regular pavers, to help you with making your decision about your outdoor space. 

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to give us a call at 443-623-2068 or contact us. The team here at Maryland Curbscape is more than happy to help walk you through your options for your outdoor space.

The Basics of Stamped Concrete and Pavers

The first step in deciding whether stamped concrete or pavers are right for you is to understand the basics of both. 

Here are the basics that you need to know about pavers:

  • Pavers can be made up of several different materials including natural stone, brick, and concrete. Different types of pavers give you different aesthetics since each kind of paver looks different. 
  • On top of the different kinds of pavers, there are also different styles of each type of paver. This makes pavers a very customizable option for your outdoor spaces.
  • The price point for pavers will vary depending on the material you choose. For example, natural stone pavers will cost more than porcelain pavers because natural stone is a more premium material. 
  • Pavers are very durable, making them a good investment in your property. Pavers have the potential to last a very long time with proper maintenance and care. Pavers require minimal maintenance unless there are loose pavers, sinking pavers, or cracking. 

What are the basics of stamped concrete? Is it a better option than pavers? 

Here is what you need to know about stamped concrete:

  • Stamped concrete is decorative concrete–it is stamped with designs to mimic the look of premium materials such as wood, tile, and natural stone. 
  • Despite serving a luxurious aesthetic, stamped concrete is an affordable option compared to pavers and other premium materials. Choosing stamped concrete can save you thousands of dollars.
  • Stamped concrete offers homeowners the creative freedom to choose what designs they like, as well as the opportunity to use custom designs. 
  • Like traditional concrete, stamped concrete is very durable. Stamped concrete requires a sealant to protect the color and integrity of the concrete. 

You may still be asking yourself, “Which option is better for my outdoor space?”

How Do I Choose The Right Option For Me?

Even with the basics in mind, it can still be difficult or overwhelming to make a decision. Redoing any outdoor space is a huge financial decision. To make the right decision for you and your space, make sure to do a couple of things:

  1. Assess your goals for the space

The first step in deciding whether to go with pavers, stamped concrete, or even something else for your outdoor space, is to evaluate your goals for the space. Are you looking to redo your pool deck? Or, maybe you are looking at your options to redo your walkways. The type of space you are redoing can even rule out some of your options.

For example, if you want to redo your pool deck, you need an option that can handle harsh pool chemicals and water. 

You may want to create a patio space to entertain guests and enjoy the nice weather. In that case, you would want to choose an option that is durable enough to withstand heavy foot traffic.

Assessing your needs and goals with your space will help narrow down your options tremendously. 

  1. Decide how much creative freedom you want

Some people do not care about adding a personal touch to their outdoor space, but for those who do, stamped concrete could be the best option for you. 

Since stamped concrete designs are installed using giant mats or stamps, you can customize what designs are being stamped, and where. This gives homeowners the creative freedom to customize their space and create the ultimate outdoor oasis. 

Other options like pavers can also be slightly customized but it is limited to the material and color of the pavers. But, if that is all the customization you want, then pavers could work perfectly for you!

The recurring theme of this section is to evaluate your wants and needs for the space. At the end of the day, it is your space, and you are the one living in it every day. 

  1. Set a clear budget 

Another factor that will decide what option to pick is your budget. We mentioned before that stamped concrete is an affordable option compared to alternatives such as pavers. 

On average, stamped concrete costs around $19 per square foot, whereas brick pavers and stone pavers cost over $30 per square foot.

But if you have the budget for pavers, and pavers suit your needs, then that could be the best option for you. The key is to assess your finances and create a realistic budget.

What If I Do Not Want Pavers or Stamped Concrete?

If you start to think that neither stamped concrete nor pavers are the ideal solution for your space, there are also options such as traditional concrete, aggregate concrete, and even concrete resurfacing. 

At Maryland Curbscape, we are your one-stop shop for all things concrete! We offer stamped concrete services as well as traditional concrete, aggregate concrete, resurfacing, and repair. 

Take a look at our gallery page which is full of photos of real projects we have completed for our customers. 

Want to learn more about how the concrete experts here at Maryland Curbscape can help create your dream space? Give us a call at 443-623-2068 or contact us using our Contact Us form.

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